Grants & Publications



  • Title:                Endogenous steroid hormones as mediators of interorgan communication with the musculoskeletal system

    Source:             NIH/NIA U01 AG086158-01

    Goal:               Test the role of adrenal-derived endogenous glucocorticoids and signaling through the GR/MR in musculoskeletal aging and bone-mediated interorgan communication

  • Title:                Novel mechanisms of muscle and bone loss with HIV infection, antiretroviral therapy, and aging

    Source:             NIH/OD R01 AR082307-01A1

    Goal:               Test the role of AhR in mediating musculoskeletal effects of HIV and anti-retroviral therapy

  • Title:                Kynurenine accumulation stimulates loss of muscle and bone function with aging

    Source:            NIH/NIA (P01 Program project grant) P01-AG036675

    Goal:               Project 4: “Kynurenine-AhR crosstalk with nuclear receptor mediated signaling in skeletal aging.”  Test whether the sexually dimorphic effects of Kyn are attributed to crosstalk between Kyn/AhR ligand-regulated, DNA-binding transcription factors in the nuclear receptor superfamily including the estrogen receptor (ER alpha/beta) and the glucocorticoid receptor (GR).

  • Title:                Kynurenine accumulation stimulates loss of muscle and bone function with aging

    Source:            NIH/NIA (P01 Program project grant) P01-AG036675

    Goal:               Core B: “Functional Outcomes Core. Provide a standardized set of musculoskeletal assay services to facilitate completion of the broader goals and objections of the Program Project goals and specific aims, and develop new technologies in support of future research activities related to the objectives of the Program Project grant.

  • Title:                Skyscan 1276

    Source:             NIH/OD S10 OD036250-01

    Goal:               Obtain an in vivo micro-computed tomography instrument for Augusta University

  • Title:                Osteocyte plasma membrane disruptions in skeletal adaptation to loading and unloading.

    Source:            NASA Space Biology Grant #80NSSC21K0274

    Goal:                Understand the effects of physical inactivity (disuse) on formation and repair of osteocyte PMD

  • Title:                Age-Related Kynurenine Accumulation Impairs miRNA and Hdac Epigenetic Regulation of the SDF-1 Axis Resulting in Bone Loss

    Source:            NIH / NIA R01AG067510

    Goal:                Understand the relationship between Hdac3, SDF-1, and miR29b-1-5p in the pathophysiology of aging bone marrow stem cells

  • Title:                Temporary plasma membrane disruptions in corneal epithelium and keratocytes

    Source:             NIH/NEI R01 EY034851

    Goal:               Test the formation of transient membrane disruptions in the mechanobiology of the anterior eye

  • Title:                Use of scRNAseq to define skeletal aging patterns in the heterogenous bone marrow microenvironment

    Source:            10X Genomics / GCC Integrated Genomics Core

    Goal:                Obtain scRNAseq data from bone marrow-derived MSC isolated from old (21 months) and young adult (6 months) male and female C57BL/6J mice to support extramural grant applications

  • Title:                Nutritional effects on bone growth in aging

    Source:            NIH/NIA (P01 Program project grant) P01-AG036675

    Goal:               Project 4: “Role of Osteoprogenitor Hdac3 in Bone Marrow Adiposity.”  Determine how Hdac3 expression in osteoprogenitors regulates lipid storage by osteoblast lineage cells during aging and nutritional interventions

  • Title:                Marrow Adiposity: Bone, Aging, and Beyond 6th Int’l Conference of BMAS

    Source:            NIH / NIA R13AG069353

    Goal:                Organize an international conference on the biology of bone marrow adiposity

  • Title:                Mechanosensation in bone through osteocyte plasma membrane disruptions

    Source:            National Science Foundation NSF 1727949

    Goal:               Investigate whether osteocyte plasma membrane disruptions (cell membrane tears) occur during physiological mechanical loading and whether this mechanism may serve as a way for osteocytes to sense mechanical loading in their environment.

  • Title:                Role of osteoblastic Hdac3 in the regulation of systemic energy metabolism

    Source:            American Diabetes Association (Junior Faculty Development Award) 1-16-JDF-062

    Goal:   Determine how osteoblastic Hdac3 may regulate hepatic RANKL signaling and systemic metabolism via skeletal production of osteoprotegerin

  • Title:                Effects of osteoblastic Hdac3 expression on hepatic inflammation and insulin sensitivity via OPG

    Source:             American Diabetes Association (Minority Undergraduate Internship Award) 1-17-MUI-005

    Goal:                Determine the effects of skeletal Hdac3 expression on hepatic inflammation through OPG

  • Title:                Pilot and Feasibility Study: Regulation of hepatic insulin action by skeletal Hdac3 and osteoprotegerin (Subaward H412621701, P30DK050456-19)

    Source:            National Institutes of Health / NIDDK / Minnesota Obesity Center

    Goal:               Determine how osteoblastic Hdac3 may regulate hepatic inflammation via skeletal production of osteoprotegerin

  • Title:                Modulation of Wnt Signaling by Runx2 and Axin2 Interaction in Postnatal Fracture Repair (Career Development Award)

    Source:            Center for Regenerative Medicine, Mayo Clinic

    Goal:               Understand the mechanisms by which Runx2 protein represses Axin2 transcription to promote osteoblast and chondrocyte maturation in postnatal endochondral and intramembranous ossification.